

It can be a bit of a surprise if your home turns out to be valued at less than the purchase price offered, but this is the type of thing that can occur in an appraisal situation. While this can change everything from your contract to the amount of your down payment, if your home has been appraised at less than you envisioned, here are some options you may want to consider.


Most people who have been on the market for a home are familiar with what the term ‘mortgage’ means, but many have not heard of a reverse mortgage and aren’t aware of how this product can benefit them. If you’re nearing retirement and are contemplating a new home or even relocation to another community, here are the details on a reverse mortgage and how this option may benefit you.


With the rising cost of real estate, many people feel that now is a good time to buy a home to ensure a good financial future. However, if you haven’t saved up enough money to make a down payment, it’s possible you may be considering whether or not you should borrow the funds. If you’re considering a loan from friends or family, here are some points you may want to think about before asking for a loan.